Top 5 Reasons to Live the Road Life with Your Kids

Image courtesy of @TheAvocadoTribe
One of the best things about our SEEKR brand and the products under the SEEKR umbrella is how cool the people that use them are. We’ve gotten to meet and talk with a bunch of great adventurers in the boat and van life communities and, oftentimes, they’re adventuring with kids!
You might think it takes a heightened sense of adventure to raise kids on the road, but more and more “normal” people are seeing the value in leaving their 9-5 jobs, paring down their possessions and opting for smaller, portable comforts. As any grandparent will tell you, the early years don’t last and it’s important to soak up as much time with your children as possible. Which is why living on the road with your kids is so appealing to so many families.
Below are 5 more reasons we’ve soaked up from following families traveling with youngsters on Instagram.
Home is where the family is
Seems obvious, but so many people think children need a structure to call home, when really, isn’t it more important for your children to feel at home wherever they are, so long as they’re with you? And don’t forget, humans have been nomads for 99% or our history (or until about 10,000 years ago) so, you may find your kids adjust to moving around more easily than you’d think.
Close quarters = close family
Families fight over space all the time. Someone’s hogging the couch or taking too long in the bathroom at every turn of modern family life. But what families on the road find is that the squabbling over space diminishes the longer they stay on the road. That’s because while the sleeping arrangements might be tight, the world is huge and opportunities for exploration are immense. Time spend in your boat or RV becomes more about getting to the next adventure and less about trying to find your own space. Inevitably, people find comfort in what’s available and the closer a family gets through experiences, the less space they need to themselves.
Expanded comfort zones
The opportunity to try new things on the road leads to comfort zone expansion. Pretty soon, picky eaters become brave foodies and shy kids become outspoken socialites.
Appreciation for other cultures
In today’s world, the most important lessons surround acceptance. If we can learn to accept other people’s beliefs – whether we adopt them as ours or not – the world will be a more harmonious place. The fastest way to do that is to live amongst other cultures. In doing so we quickly find the commonalities between each other which leads to appreciation and acceptance. What better qualities could you hope your children adopt?
Travel is the ultimate education
Lastly, textbooks can’t teach us what experiences can. The feeling of watching a sunrise can’t be captured on a page. Neither can any number of one-of-a-kind experiences only travel can provide. If you’re worried that missing early education in school will set your kids back, talk to any number of people that have tried living on the road with their children. You’ll find they’ll tell you how quickly their kids caught up to their class upon returning. Plus, they’ll be more empathetic, communicative and sensitive to their surroundings from their time on the road. And, of course, you’ll be closer as a family.
See our fans in the “homes on the road” of families on our Instagram @SEEKRlife