Loving “Cavalanche”

On the Bruce Peninsula, where Caframo’s manufacturing facility and offices are, we’re no strangers to calving season. Drive along any road leading to Wiarton and you’re bound to pass farms with herds of cows lazily watching you drive by. Drive the same roads in springtime and you’ll see some of the cutest scenes the area has to offer: New calves in the fields!
Last year, we introduced MediHeat to the beef cattle and dairy farming community. You can read all about our specialty farm-safe heater for brooders and incubators here. Since then (and during its inception) we’ve gotten to know the farming community a lot more – both locally and beyond – and it turns out, calving season doesn’t just happen in the spring like it mostly does around here! In fact, calves can come at any time of the year depending on a variety of factors. There’s also advantages and disadvantages to each “season” and it can really depend on where you’re located.
Recently, we’ve started following one of our favorite dairy farmers and feedlot operators: @ashlyb_larsonfarms. The biggest reason we like her: She taught us the term “cavalanche!”
At any given time during calving season, Ashly and her family have about 40 calves on milk and another 10 calves camping out in the calving pen for lack of room in hutches! A cavalanche indeed!
Ashly has told us they milk about 150 cows per year + 500 feeder cattle year round. Ashly mentions using calf hutches so we’re doing our best to get her hooked up with MediHeat units to use and let us know what she thinks.
Even if you’re not a farmer, we recommend following the new MediHeat page on Instagram and Facebook because, well, calves are so cute! And we get to chat with their caretakers about helping to save the newest and weakest ones. But more than that, farmers just might be some of the kindest, most charming, and refreshing voices on social media and we’re hoping to help tell their stories. Farm life is simple and incredibly difficult all at once. It’s tiring just to look at a life like Ashly’s through her Instagram account sometimes! But accounts like Ashly’s are full of joy and positivity – you can really feel her laughing through the workload and it puts a smile on our faces. And isn’t that something we all need these days?